
https://youtu.be/6SD-9xLlNlE 当你在号称“万税之国”的加拿大买卖房产时,一定遇到过不少的税务问题。如何合法避税,这是很多人心中的疑问。 我们GTAHOME.COM Real Estate Team很荣幸的请到注册会计师Jane Zhang...


近日环球邮报(Global and Mail)报道,加拿大帝国商业银行CIBC预测今年9月央行会end rate hike circle,那这是否表示会停止加息呢? 到底什么是rate hike circle? 加拿大政府如何通过央行加息对房地产市场进行调控?  我们GTAHOME.COM Real Estate Team很荣幸的请到现任于五大银行之一的Director of Model Development & Analytics...

Yan Zhou the 2022 Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Award from MP Paul Chiang

Yan Zhou is featured on Toronto Star

Below is the copy of the post on Toronto Star https://www.thestar.com/local-markham/life/2022/07/18/markham-platinum-jubilee-award-recipient-hopes-to-improve-the-image-of-realtors-through-his-efforts.html Yan Zhou works as a professional realtor and holds many titles. Over the past ten years, Zhou has been consistently giving back to the community. On June 24, he received the 2022 Queen Elizabeth II...

Ontario Election: Which party should I vote for on June 2nd especially on housing and real estate issue?

Ontario Liberal: HOUSING COMMITMENTS Build 1.5 million new homes over the next 10 yearsProtect homebuyers by reforming the blind bidding process; provide transparency on the history of house sale prices; establish home inspectors as a legal right and regulate home inspectors; require residential listings to disclose expected commission rates; increase penalties for unethical real estate...

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